I've had your bag that I borrowed for our first vacation together - sitting by the door - filled with all the things you've kept at my place. My place, but you loved to call it "home".
I packed the bag with all our memories, all the gifts, your clothes, makeup and products. All the cards and notes and little things we've shared. The drawers in the bathroom are completely empty now. The closet is empty now. Even the fridge door is empty now.
I packed it, because I know I'm losing you. I know you don't want to be with me anymore and you're trying to find a way out. You've decided I'm not worth it - that there wasn't anything special about us finding eachother after all.
You've decided you'd be better without me.
I packed it, it's sitting there. It's been sitting there for days. I can't bring myself to bring it to you. That would mean it's over.
What was meant to be, but never would...
I love you. I will always love you.
How do I say, goodbye?